CEA Webinar

November 2025

Indoor vegetable production continues to be a growing trend! GPN Magazine is educating growers about the process, benefits and profit potential of controlled environment agriculture (CEA). Position your brand in front of growers as we present the latest trends, research findings and the future of CEA in an interactive webinar format.

Topic and Speakers:

More information to come!

Sponsorship Includes:

  • Full page in GPN issue of your choice
  • One question provided for Q&A portion of the webinar
  • Participant list, including all contact information, provided post-webinar
  • Logo included on:
    • Opening and final screens of webinar presentation
    • All webinar registration emails sent to subscribers of GPN
    • Print ads promoting webinar in GPN
    • Webinar registration page

Inquire about CEA Webinars

Kim Sammartino
Associate Publisher


Andrea Schafer
Advertising Sales
